The commuting challenges change with the calendar. Wouldn't it be terrific if someone in charge of big ideas and innovation at the MTA stepped up and introduced new seasonal programs to improve the experience for commuters?
Of course, it is highly unlikely that a "new ideas" role actually exists within the MTA. I don't know this for certain, but I base my assessment on the fact that the MTA has introduced nothing creative to the Long Island Rail Road commute in about 100 years. But let's imagine for a moment that such a department exists, full of vibrant types who consider the suggestion board ideas, rather than saying no to everything presented.
Maybe this one is a bit far-fetched. Would you want to shower on the Long Island Rail Road? Me neither. You'd probably get athlete's foot or something worse. Let's look at some more viable options.
Thomas Edisons and entrepreneurs out there, take note. Some people are utterly unaware of their olfactory offensiveness, and it's up to you to help.
While we're at it, let's add wifi, smartphone-based ticketing, wider staircases at Penn Station, better ventilated platforms, conductors who acknowledge and help to gently enforce the quiet car policy, and maybe the occasional shoe shine guy.
Never mind. TTIV is supposed to be satirical, not a summer fantasy camp.
Happy and safe commuting, and may you encounter uncommon sense.
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