I often defend the LIRR when stuff happens, because hey, stuff happens. But in this case, the problem was exacerbated by poor communication, and that's one thing over which they had control.
Knowing that service improvements are as likely as getting a decent bagel outside New York, I'll quell my frustration by picking this press release apart.
Let's kick this off with what's NOT stated.
My inbox on Wednesday |
Sorry, but the apology is not worth much. Perhaps they might offer some financial remuneration?
Keep reading. Forget you even read that.
We are conducting a thorough internal review... Please, spare us the baloney. What difference does this make to the commuter? Should we assume performance improvements or hardened infrastructure? Don't get your hopes up.
Sign up for the LIRR's Customer E-Alert/Text Message service. If you read the most recent TTIV story, you may remember that this service was a major part of the problem. Don't send quantity, send quality. When the LIRR communication team sends 75 vague and conflicting messages, it does not constitute communication.
The apology letter goes on to talk about following LIRR on Twitter. I have a suggestion for the LIRR's social media presence. Instead of tweeting useless service alerts, they should share Dos Equis Guy memes and funny cat videos. It works for George Takei, so why not the LIRR? It might be a good way to repair their image. Hey, it isn't as though the Twitter account provides any useful information anyway, right?
The apology letter goes on to talk about following LIRR on Twitter. I have a suggestion for the LIRR's social media presence. Instead of tweeting useless service alerts, they should share Dos Equis Guy memes and funny cat videos. It works for George Takei, so why not the LIRR? It might be a good way to repair their image. Hey, it isn't as though the Twitter account provides any useful information anyway, right?
Happy and safe commuting, and may you encounter uncommon sense.
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