I boarded the A train at Chambers Street, and it was crowded. I stood near one of the doors and stared at my phone like all the other zombies. At Canal Street, a throng of people got on and a man stood near me.
At West 4th Street, more people got on, and very few exited. Now the man was inches from me. "Just two more stops," I said to myself. At 14th Street, I had to turn around, couldn't take the closeness anymore. The door would open at the next stop anyway. In a small space, I had no choice but to press against him to face the door. "Did you just push me?" said the guy. Oh great. He's aggressive, short-fused, and within stabbing distance.
"I'm turning around because the next stop is 34th Street and I need to get off at the next station."
"I think you pushed me," said the seemingly unstable man. Crap.

He looked at me quizzically, and then he smiled. "I'm sorry, man, it's crowded and sometimes riding the train gets on your nerves."
Indeed it does, indeed it does. Best advice I can give is to take the high road when dealing with unstable, aggressive people. Better chance of survival. Happy Holidays, friend, from #TTIV.
Happy and safe commuting, and may you encounter uncommon sense.
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