Thursday, July 17, 2014

LIRR Strike Averted!

After my rant the other day about Andrew Cuomo living in an ivory tower, I'm going to give the New York Governor his due in averting a workers' strike.  He realized he made a misstatement, got involved, and led both sides to a solution.  With his leadership, the job got done.  Well done, Governor.

I don't have any idea what the terms of the new deal are, as they haven't been publicized.  From the news reports, it sounds like some kind of compromise was struck.  I hope the rail workers get their raises, as most everyone deserves a raise for working hard and let's face it, the cost of living in the New York area is pretty high.  I do hope though, that the demands for benefits from a bygone era were refused.  I wish no malice on these men and women, they work hard and are always courteous, pleasant, and friendly.  I just don't want to pay for benefits that I don't receive myself.  Fair is fair.

I'll bet the train workers are pretty relieved too that they won't go on strike.  Who wants to deal with a loss of income?  A strike would be no good for them, either.

On Monday, people will talk on phones, chew and pop gum, perform nasty habits, and yell at each other for being rude on trains coming to and from New York City.  People will eat smelly food.  Women will apply makeup.  And I'll be right there with them, observing and reporting back to you.

Happy commuting, and may you encounter uncommon sense.

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