5:00:00 AM - Alarm goes off to exercise
5:00:01 AM - Wife nudges me to shut off alarm
5:00:02 AM - Reset alarm to 6 AM
6:00:00 AM - Alarm goes off
6:00:01 AM - Wife nudges me to shut off alarm
6:00:02 AM - I click snooze
6:05:00 AM - Alarm goes off, I click snooze
6:10:00 AM - Alarm. Wife proves her elbow strength. I get up
6:15:00 AM - Shower. Make mental to do list. Forget all items by the time shower is done
6:20:00 AM - Brush teeth and shave
6:30:00 AM - Dress, remark to self how on time I am. I will easily make the 7:29 train
6:30:05 AM - 4 year old wakes up. Likelihood of making the 7:29 train erodes
6:35:00 AM - Move to kitchen. Pack lunch if I'm brown-bagging that day
6:36:00 AM - Put on TV show in den for 4 year old. Return to kitchen to pack lunch
6:38:00 AM - 4 year old requests different show. Return to den to find something better
6:40:00 AM - 4 year old reminds me I said I'd set up his train tracks. Set them up
6:47:00 AM - Return to kitchen to finish making lunch
6:50:00 AM - 4 year old needs help finding a Lego piece
6:55:00 AM - Give up. Pack banana and yogurt. Will buy lunch.
6:58:00 AM - Drop K-Cup in the Keurig and make coffee to go
7:00:00 AM - 9 and 11 year olds up, help them get breakfast
7:05:00 AM - Say goodbye to all, leave house
7:07:00 AM - 4 year old sad because I didn't say bye. Go back in
7:10:00 AM - Big hug, promise to set up his trains again tonight

7:13:00 AM - Say goodbye to everyone again
7:15:00 AM - Get in car to drive to train station
7:27:00 AM - Arrive at train station after stopping for 829 red lights
7:28:00 AM - Park car
7:29:00 AM - Watch 7:29 AM train pull out of the station
7:40:00 AM - Get on next train to Penn Station
7:46:00 AM - Wife calls, 4 year old pouting because I didn't say goodbye
7:47:00 AM - Say goodbye on phone to 4 year old. Ignore dirty looks from passengers
7:52:00 AM - Receive 2nd phone call from wife, I left the yogurt and banana on the table
8:05:00 AM - Notice odd behaviors. Write a quick post or jot ideas for blog post
8:10:00 AM - Read the paper, drink coffee
8:20:00 AM - Nod off
8:25:00 AM - Arrive in Penn Station, after a solid 5 minutes of sleep
What did my 4 year old want me to do again? I can't remember.
Happy and safe commuting, and may you encounter uncommon sense.
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