Tuesday, September 30, 2014

An Impressive Waste Of Tax Dollars

Exhibit A
Westbound Duffy Ave, Hicksville
If you’re a “The Train In Vain” blog regular, you know that I like to use the parking facility at Hicksville. It’s close to the station platform, and there are plenty of spots available at the time I normally catch the train. On most days, the Long Island rush hour traffic is pretty challenging, but today was worse, and UNNECESSARILY worse.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Guest Post: An Entirely Different Kind of Commuting Challenge

Today’s The Train In Vain blog post comes from Christine, a high school friend with whom I’ve reconnected via the magic of social media. She lives in North Carolina, far away from the commuting craziness we in the north live day in and out. Under all that southern charm and polish beats the heart of a New Yorker, and she has a great story to tell.

Christine was in a serious car crash many years ago. She walks with a cane and leg braces, a critical point to the story. Commuting is tough enough. A disability adds a whole other dimension.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Quick Thank You

Recently, I checked the blog mailing list and was thrilled to see a group of new followers. Many are people I don't know personally, and I welcome you to the blog and hope you continue to enjoy my musings. The virtual camaraderie makes the commute enjoyable.

Hope you continue to follow! Keep giving your feedback, positive and negative, and ideas for future posts. It's all appreciated.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Morning Stroll In Search Of a Seat

This morning, I made a dash from the parking lot to the platform.  I had no choice but to get on at Seventh Avenue side, or the east side of the train. It is always crowded there, and finding a seat is too competitive for my taste. To illustrate, I've included a crude drawing below. As you can see by the purple arrow on the right side, I came up the steps to the platform on the east side, to face a throng of bald, faceless, and extremely short commuters who want to get on the train from the Seventh Avenue side.

Before I boarded, I decided I would walk through the cars to the 8th Avenue side, where it would be quieter. As I made my way from car 12 to car 2, a blog post happened.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Everyone's Got a Story To Tell About Today

Like most who experienced it, I vividly remember this day 13 years ago. Everyone has a story to tell.

I'm one of the lucky ones. I was in New York City but my story is boring. I was newly married, living in Manhattan.  My wife and I both worked in midtown. Nobody close to us was impacted directly by the attacks. I remember looking at the burning towers and arrogantly thinking to myself, "terrorists can try all they want, but those towers are not coming down."

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Monday, September 08, 2014

A Little Yippee Men's Room Watchdog

At Penn station, I walk into the men's room. Several urinals in a row along the wall. At one is a man with a back pack. Sticking out of his backpack is a little backpack type dog. Tried to use the urinal next to him. Dog barked at me. 

Only in New York. 

For (hopefully) obvious reasons, I am not sharing a photo. 

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Monday, September 01, 2014

The Train In Vain Shares News From a Cruise

I've been away for the past week on a cruise, in case you've wondered why I haven't posted any observations recently.  On the cruise, I noticed some parallels between vacationing with thousands of strangers and commuting with thousands of strangers.  In this post, we'll explore some of the similarities and differences between a cruise commute to Bermuda and a train commute to New York City.