It's them "Post Labor Day Blues." Have you heard the news? No more cruise. The kids need new shoes.
The commuter also suffers from the Post Labor Day Blues. While a blues singer asks why his woman done him wrong, a commuter suffering from the PLD Blues asks the following questions.
Driving to the train
I want to hit the booze
Traffic gives me them
PLD Blues
Where am I supposed to park my car? In July and August, people took vacation. They got out of town. The parking lots around the station were emptier. There is a parking garage near my station, where I could park and walk right up to the platform. In September, that parking lot is full a lot earlier. And there are a lot more people who don't understand how to drive in the garage, adding time. Much more competitive to get a good spot.
The lot is packed
I'm gonna lose
I got them full parking lot
PLD Blues
Oozer, move down
I can't even take a snooze
You're givin me them
PLD Blues
Why haven't I bought those noise canceling headphones yet? That's a simple one. It's for you, loyal blog reader. You don't want me to get those headphones, right? If I drown out the noise around me, I won't know what's going on. I won't be able to report weirdness back to you. Still, I REALLY want them. Indecision.
Can't hear my tunes, but I know your
Biopsy news
Oh, you give me them
PLD Blues
Oh we got them.... PLD Blues. Summer's just around the corner.
Happy and safe commuting, and may you encounter uncommon sense.
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Best most poetic blog to date
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words! Too bad you posted as "Anonymous." If I knew who you were, I would have sent you a cake.